To provide nutritious meals and personal interaction to homebound adults to help them live independently in their own homes.
To operate as a sustainable organization providing meal delivery to homebound seniors or adults with disabilities in support of their personal independence.
The idea for Meals on Wheels originated in England during World War II as a service to people in the blitzed sections of the country. The first Meals on Wheels program in the United States started in Philadelphia in 1954.
Meals on Wheels of Chester County, Inc. became incorporated as a non-profit organization in 1991 and now has 21 chapters serving many townships around the county.
The purpose of the program is to provide persons who are homebound due to illness, frailty or disability, regardless of age or income, with a hot lunch five days a week. Special diets, i.e., low salt and sugar, chopped or pureed can be provided by most of the chapters.
About 85% of the populated area in Chester County is covered by a Meals on Wheel chapter. A “sister” program is Main Line Meals on Wheels which covers the Malvern Borough, Paoli, Berwyn, Devon, and Willistown.
Signing up is easy. You can sign up in one of 2 ways:
We purchase the meals from 13 different food providers including hospitals, assisted living homes and restaurants from around Chester County. Where you live determines which food provider makes your meals.
MOWCC does not have its own kitchen. We buy the meals and have volunteers close to that food provider pick up the trays so they can be delivered hot and within about an hour from pick-up time.
Each of our 13 food providers charges us something different. We ask our clients to donate something toward the cost. Meals range from $3.20 to $6.00. That does not include overhead or purchase of trays and containers.
However, we never turn someone away who cannot afford to contribute.
Often a family member will donate toward their loved one's meals.
Our main office is located off Route 202 and Matlack Street.
Five part-time employees manage the day-to-day operations to support all 21 chapters which includes taking referrals, finding volunteers and training them, providing directions, reporting on statistics (number of clients per chapter, donations, expenses), troubleshooting any issues, and writing grants for funding.
Meals on Wheels of Chester County succeeds because of our volunteers. Close to 600 volunteers generously give their time and energy to serve their neighbors in need. They deliver much more than just a meal - They deliver a warm greeting, a friendly smile and peace of mind to the families of our clients. They also use their own cars and their own gasoline.
Please click this link or the button below on April 4th at 11:00 to join a webinar about preventing Foodborne Illnesses
This will be recorded and available at another time.