East Coventry / Vincent Chapter
- Masters Degree in Statistics from The Ohio State Univ
- Founder and former co-leader of the Southeastern PA Spasmodic Dysphonia Support Group
- Statistical Consultant in the Pharmaceutical Industry
- Volunteer driver for East Coventry/Vincent Chapter
West Chester Chapter
-Graduate of Penn State Univ
- Retired from Kennett Consolidated School District (35 years)
- Principal of New Garden Elementary School (20 years)
- 4th/2nd grade teacher (15 years)
- Chair of the Educator Grants Committee for the Kennett Education Foundation
- Volunteer in local elementary classrooms
- Past Chair for West Chester Chapter and current volunteer
Luther House I – IV &
Kennett Square Chapters
Past BOD Pres 2009-2011
- B.A. in Biology from Kutztown Univ
- Graduate work in Environmental Science at Penn State Univ
- Retired from PA Dept of Environmental Protection
- Board member for Luther Foundation of Southern Chester County
- Volunteer for Kennett Square Chapter
Uwchlan / Whitelands & GlenSprings Chapters Past BOD Pres 2017-2019
- Federal Gov career with HUD, EPA
- Chairperson and former supervisor for non-profit Childrens' Dental Clinic, Berwyn
- Volunteer TaxAide and APPRISE Counselor
- Chesco Board of Elections Volunteer Pollworker
Avon Grove & Oxford Chapters
-MA, New School for Social Research
- Doctoral Studies, Teachers College, Columbia University
- Human Resources in retail, health care, services industries, federal and local government
- Active in numerous volunteer and fraternal organizations
- Chaplain of West Chester Masonic Lodge #322 for past 15 years
-Volunteer for GoshenVille Chapter since 2013
BradLin Chapter
-B.S. Business Administration Bloomsburg University
- 20+ years experience in Human Resources advising executive leadership, succession planning, team building and project management
- Employee Services Director for Eastern State Penitentiary Historic Site
- Managed talent acquisition at NEIL (Nuclear Electric Insurance Ltd.)
- HR Director at JP Morgan Chase
- Volunteer tutor for English Program of Chester County
- Volunteer for West Chester Chapter for 12 years
Coatesville & Pony Express Chapters
BOD Pres 2019-2021
-PhD and MS in Analytical Chemistry from The PA State Univ
- BA in Analytical Chemistry from The State Univ of NY
- Lecturer in Chemistry at The PA State Univ
- Board member of the State College Youth Ice Hockey Club and Downingtown Ice Hockey Club
- Volunteer for Pony Express Chapter
Downingtown Chapter
· B.A.S. in Restaurant Management and A.A.S. in Culinary Arts from Southern New Hampshire University
· Director of Culinary Operations and Workforce Development at the Chester County Food Bank
· Recently named to the Chester County Women’s Commission
· Part-time manager of the West Reading Farmers Market
Coventryville & Parkesburg Chapters
BOD Pres 2007 – 2009
- Masters Degree from Whittier College
-Graduate work at Temple Univ and Arizona State Univ
- Pres of Cypress Teachers Assoc in CA
- Principal of Owen J. Roberts School for 34 years
- Served as an officer for over 40 years with the Coventry Lions Club
- Past pres of the consistory of the St. Matthews United Church of Christ and member of the committee on ministry of the Ursinus Assoc.
Honey Brook Chapter
-BS in Electrical Engineering from Drexel University
- BS in Accounting from La Salle University
- MBA from St. Joseph’s University
- 38 years with Unisys Corp, including 10 years as post sales support for Communications in Latin America and Asia, which required traveling to 23 countries.
GoshenTown Chapter
BOD Pres 2021-2023
- MM Finance, International Business - Northwestern Univ (1985)
- BA Accounting - Lewis Univ (1981)
- CPA (1981)
- Encyt Technologies, Inc.:
Co-Founder, Director
-JIE International,LLC: President Private Equity, Consulting
- Veeco Instruments - 4 years (retired) - Senior VP, CFO
- Rohm and Haas Chemical Co. - 25 years (retired) -positions included CFO Asia, Electronic Materials; Corporate Controller; Coatings Business Manager, China; President TosoHaas Biosciences; European Business Development Mgr
- Volunteer for GoshenTown Chapter
North Coventry Chapter
- Served in the U.S. Army 1962-1964
- District/Regional Sales Manager for Jones Motor Company
- Started KW Transportation Brokerage Services, Inc. in 1982
- Volunteer for North Coventry Chapter.
East Pikeland, Phoenixville & Spring City Chapters
- Phoenixville Hospital Emergency Room Records Administrator for 30 years
- Liaison with Phoenixville food provider for Meals on Wheels
- Volunteer with Phoenixville Schools and First United Methodist Church Kitchen Ministry and other various activities
- Treasurer and volunteer for Phoenixville Chapter for over 18 years
East Pikeland, Phoenixville & Spring City Chapters
- M.S. in Special Education from SUNY Geneseo
- 10 years teaching experience with special needs children ranging from preschool to adolescents
- 24 years with structural engineering firm in admin support
- Past President for Phoenixville Jaycettes
- Current member of Kiwanis Club
- Past Board member of Phoenixville Historical Society
- Volunteer and Chairperson for Phoenixville Chapter MOW
6/2/1927 - 3/16/2024
Dot Wood started the Phoenixville Chapter of Meals on Wheels in 1973. She was a member of our Board of Directors since it was incorporated in 1991 and served as Secretary for many years.
Dot was the cornerstone of our organization; she knew the history of our organization from its start and watched it grow to 21 chapters across the county. Her passion for our mission and compassion for helping feed the homebound in our county, especially in Phoenixville, will be remembered and cherished for years to come.
7/5/39 - 11/12/22
We miss and honor Peg who was a valued member of our board and President from 2015 - 2017. She delivered meals to our homebound clients in both the BradLin and West Chapter Chapters for over 20 years.
Peg also volunteered for the Fund for Women and Girls of Chester County, the East Bradford Township Historic Commission, and the Historic Sugartown Assoc. Before her retirement, Peg was a successful realtor and consultant. She will be greatly missed.
Chester County Commissioners support Meals on Wheels and assist in delivering nutritious lunches.
Pictured above: Michelle Kichline (Past Commissioner); MOWCC staff, Patrice Stilley; Commissioner Marian Moskowitz; Volunteer, Carole Koroluck; and Commissioner Josh Maxwell.
Chester County Department of Aging Services is a close partner and supporter of the Meals on Wheels program.
Please click this link or the button below on April 4th at 11:00 to join a webinar about preventing Foodborne Illnesses
This will be recorded and available at another time.