Our Chester County Department of Aging (CCDAS) provides many services and information for residents age 60 and over including Apprise Medicare Counseling, Domiciliary Care, Family Caregiver Support, PACE, Ombudsman Program, Waiver Programs, Protective Services, and more.
Visit their website to access links to other information regarding Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, Adult Vaccines, Community Resources, Events, etc.
We are very thankful to our local government for their support! Each year our Chester County commissioners: Josh Maxwell, Marian Moskowitz and Eric Roe provide Meals on Wheels of Chester County with a contract to help us cover our expenses. This funding covers approximately 30% of our administrative budget.
The rest of the funding comes from foundations, grants and generous individuals around the county.
Our government contracts come from two sources. The first is from our CC Department of Aging as explained above. The second government funding comes from the state waiver program. Recently, the state of Pennsylvania selected 3 managed care organizations (MCO): Keystone First, PA Health and Wellness, and UPMC to aid Medicaid consumers with their health care, nursing home care, or in-home services (like Meals on Wheels). The consumer selects one of the 3 MCOs. They also can change their MCO at any time.
If your case manager has determined you qualify for waiver and you require Meals on Wheels, the MCO you selected will pay for your meals. For you, as a waiver consumer, your meals are free. For us, it means your insurance will reimburse us for the cost of your meals.
If you are elderly, disabled, or qualify for both Medicaid and Medicare and live in Pennsylvania, Community HealthChoices will help improve your health, safety, and wellness by coordinating Health Care, Behavioral Health Care, and Long Term Services & Supports.
Meals on Wheels of Chester County submits grant requests annually to a variety of local foundations. We depend on our generous partners who share our mission of fighting hunger and food insecurity in the county.
We mail an annual fundraising letter to individuals and businesses in the community who have expressed an interest in supporting those less fortunate and in need of food.
According to the 2019 Census, there are 524,989 Chester County residents and 16.8% are 65 years and older. MOW anticipates that this statistic will continue to rise. MOWCC is looking for ways to respond to the expected increase in the client base and how to meet the increasing financial needs.
In-kind refers to services provided other than money. In our case, this refers to the many hours our volunteers give in delivering meals to our clients. If it were not for our volunteers, we would have to hire someone to deliver meals. That cost is our "in-kind" expense.
Meals On Wheels of Chester County is truly a volunteer-driven agency. Our volunteers are the heart and hands of what we do.
Please click this link or the button below on April 4th at 11:00 to join a webinar about preventing Foodborne Illnesses
This will be recorded and available at another time.