211sepa.org for questions on HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES in southeastern PA. Available 24 hours a day (multilingual services available)
Aid for Friends provides free daily home-cooked meals delivered weekly by empathetic volunteers and also provides shut-ins with free outreac...
To refer yourself or someone you know who is over age 60 and needs some type of help. For more information, click chesco.org/aging.
Click www.abilatools.com. Disabled and elderly volunteers as well as recovering patients from Chester, Delaware and Montgomery counties w...
Works to improve the health of low-income elderly persons at least 60 years of age by supplementing their diets with nutritious USDA Foods....
Connects Seniors and their families with information, resources and support needed to accommodate their changing budget, mobility and health...
Provides assistance to low income individuals and families. www.dhs.pa.gov
Choice Food Pantry 101 E. Market St., West Chester 610-696-8746. Call for appointment. Must be a West Chester area resident and household ...
West Chester Area. Light breakfast and hot lunch served daily.
Monday through Friday 9AM–3PM
Email: info@bvactiveaging.org
250 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd
250 Harmony St...
Classes, programs and assistance for seniors. Lunch Monday - Friday, but must sign up the prior week.
Devon area. Classes, programs and assistance for seniors. Lunch Monday - Thursday & 2 Fridays per month.
Classes, programs and assistance for seniors. Breakfast Tue, Thur & Friday. Lunch Monday - Friday.
Please click this link or the button below on April 4th at 11:00 to join a webinar about preventing Foodborne Illnesses
This will be recorded and available at another time.