We no longer REQUIRE volunteers to be vaccinated for COVID.
Vaccinations help protect people who get COVID 19 from getting a more severe case of the virus. Think of it as the Flu vaccine. It is helpful especially for those with low immune systems, but not a requirement.
We do instruct volunteers that if you are sick or exposed to a known case of COVID or other contagious disease, please refrain from delivering to our vulnerable seniors for 5 days. If no symptoms, you may resume volunteering. If you do test positive, follow doctor's orders (10-14 days) and refrain from contact with others.
If one of our homebound neighbors is sick, we would warn volunteers. We want to protect both our volunteers and our homebound neighbors from unnecessary exposure to infectious disease.
Always check the number of meals before leaving the food provider to deliver your route. If anything is missing, ask someone in the kitchen to get you another meal, or whatever you need.
If you have a list of drivers, please try to trade with someone for a different day. Most chapters have a volunteer chairperson you can call if you cannot find a sub. Or you can call the main office at:
(610) 430-8500 to let them know a substitute is needed.
First try calling the client. Maybe they did not hear you knock. If no answer, DO NOT leave the meal unless the client has provided an insulated container with a secure lid. Give the extra meal to another client and notify the main office at (610) 430-8500 whenever a meal is not delivered so we can follow up on the client’s safety.
If it is an emergency, dial 911 and stay with them until help arrives. Never try to move someone if they have fallen. If you are concerned about them, call the main office, or the client's emergency contact.
NOTE: If you know the client is on hospice, DO NOT call 911. The hospice number should be called instead.
Please call your chapter chairperson or the main office at 610-430-8500.
Your safety is very important to us. Please do not drive if road conditions seem dangerous. If a client’s driveway or sidewalk is not plowed, you can skip that person and give the meal to someone else. Just let the office know who did not receive a meal.
If schools in your area close for the day, we cancel deliveries. However, for a 1 or 2 hour delay, we still deliver.
Please click this link or the button below on April 4th at 11:00 to join a webinar about preventing Foodborne Illnesses
This will be recorded and available at another time.